Digital Design and Production, University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, School of Architecture and Civil Engineering
I am a Professor for Digital Design and Production at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, leading the Digital Timber Construction DTC working group. We are offering PhD research in an ideal environment with our DTC laboratory spaces and equipment. Our aim is to make constructions more sustainable through digital methods and technology. Important topics are material-saving lightweight constructions, rapid assembly wood-wood connections, sustainable types of wood and materials and the reuse and recycling of components.
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Previously I have worked as a Junior Professor at TU Kaiserslautern, as a Postdoc at the Swiss National Centre of Competence for Digital Fabrication NCCR dfab at ETH Zurich, as a PhD assistant at the Timber Construction Laboratory IBOIS at EPFL Lausanne, and as a research associate at the Institute of Computational Design ICD, University of Stuttgart. I received a Doctor of Sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EPFL, and a Professional Diploma in Architecture with Distinction from London
Metropolitan University. The research has been implemented in projects such as the 2010 ICD/itke pavilion, 2013
IBOIS curved folded shell, 2017 Lausanne Vidy Theater, 2015-2020 Factory hall in Manternach, 2019 HexBox Canopy, the 2019 Recycleshell and the 2021 Chestnut Cabin.
LGS / Park Arena Furth 2025
FNR Forschung Live / Park Arena Furth
Holzbaupreis RLP 2024
Collaboration with SOM for the COP28 Pavillion
Die Werkstatt fuer Hightech Ingenieure (PDF)
Forschungsdemonstrator am Augsburger Moritzplatz
IASS Tsuboi Award (Best Conference Paper 2021)
Jubilee Professors to strengthen and add edge in 2022
IASS Tsuboi Award (Best Journal Paper 2020)
18.12.2024 - Design of Structures, KIT Karlsruhe 12.11.2024 - Houtdaag 2024, Apeldoorn 02.07.2024 - Holzbaupreis RLP 2024 18.04.2024 - BIM Salon, Bayerische Architektenkammer 14.03.2024 - Building Innovation Cluster Webinar 21.02.2024 - Lecture at MPDA Barcelonatech 28.11.2023 - BIM World Munich 27.11.2023 - Holzbau Kompakt, Augsburg 22.11.2023 - Digitalisierung Festival, Linz 15.11.2023 - Oslo International Timber Conference 16.03.2023 - FNR Statusseminar
14.12.2022 - FNR Themennachmittag 07.12.2022 - Digital Construction Workshop 20.09.2022 - IASS 2022 Session Co-Chair 20.09.2022 - IASS 2022 Paper Presentation 15.09.2022 - ProHolz BW Cluster Innovativ 27.05.2022 - Werkvorträge, Hochschule Kaiserslautern 07.04.2022 - Holzbau Digital, Hochschule Augsburg 30.03.2022 - Public Lecture, Chalmers 07.03.2022 - Masterclass, UPC Barcelonatech 13.12.2021 - Structure and Design, Uni Innsbruck 09.12.2021 - Circular Systems Symposium, TUe 12.11.2021 - Verbandstag Holzindustrie RLP, Neustadt 12.11.2021 - Verbandstag Zimmerer RLP, Frankenstein 09.11.2021 - Nucleo Madeira Brazil, Online Lecture 03.11.2021 - proHolzBW Digitalisierung Forst und Holz 14.10.2021 - Zukunftstag Creaton, Stuttgart 08.10.2021 - Forum Intelligentes Bauen, Künzelsau 11.09.2021 - 16. Holzbaukongress Hessen, Kassel 25.08.2021 - Paper Presentation, IASS 2021, Surrey 18.08.2021 - Podcast Architekturgespräche, HS Mainz 09.04.2021 - Online Lecture, CITA, Copenhagen 25.03.2021 - Online Lecture, Yasar University, Izmir 24.03.2021 - Online Lecture, buildingSMART Germany 25.02.2021 - Online Lecture, KlimawandelCOACH 10.12.2020 - Circular Systems Symposium, TUe 30.11.2020 - Online Lecture, TU Innsbruck 25.11.2020 - Reihe Positionen, HTWK Leipzig 18.11.2020 - Online Lecture, GCD TU Wien 17.11.2020 - Online Lecture, UC Berkeley 04.11.2020 - Online Lecture, Chalmers postponed - Nucleo Madeira, São Paulo 19.09.2020 - eCAADe Session Chair, Berlin postponed - Future Timber Structures, UQ Brisbane 09.09.2020 - Holzbaunetzwerk Live Webinar 18.06.2020 - Performance Network Live Webinar postponed - Forum Wood Spain, Pamplona 31.10.2019 - Wood - Nature's Key, Tallinn 22.10.2019 - SWR Television, 18:15-18:45 25.09.2019 - Forum Wood Nordic, Helsinki 16.08.2019 - University of Sydney CPD 28.05.2019 -, Hannover 10.05.2019 - BarCamp Inno4wood, Kempten 09.05.2019 - ETH Zurich 05.04.2019 - SDMA at PBSA Dusseldorf 17.01.2019 - BAU 2019, Munich 06.12.2018 - Int. Forum Holzbau, Garmisch 12.11.2018 - Arch & Computation, Gothenburg 08.11.2018 - Innochain Conference, Copenhagen 29.08.2018 - Internationale Holzmesse Klagenfurt 23.07.2018 - Future Timber Structures, UQ Brisbane 19.07.2018 - SUTD EPD, Singapore 05.07.2018 - Indexlab Workshop, Politecnico Milano 14.06.2018 - ROBinWOOD Symposium, UFG Linz 28.05.2018 - Digital Fabrication Symposium, TUM 26.04.2018 - Karelia Symposium, UEF Kuopio 21.03.2018 - Interview JABS Journal, AIJ Kyoto 24.01.2018 - Laboratoire Navier, ENPC ParisTech 03.11.2017 - Interview at Digital Structures, MIT 02.11.2017 - ACADIA, MIT Cambridge 17.10.2017 - Chalmers, Gothenburg 29.09.2017 - Forum Wood Nordic, Trondheim 25.09.2017 - Oslo School of Architecture AHO 30.03.2017 - TU Kaiserslautern 01.03.2017 - D-BAUG, ETH Zurich 30.11.2016 - RWTH Aachen 18.10.2016 - S-WIN FBK Weinfelden 12.09.2016 - AAG 2016, ETH Zurich 24.08.2016 - WCTE 2016, TU Wien 22.06.2016 - FUTURE WOOD Innochain, KADK 06.04.2016 - S-WIN Industrielle Fertigung, EPFL 18.03.2016 - Rob|Arch 2016 Conference, Sydney
Digital Design and Production, University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, School of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Chalmers University of Technnology, Architecture and Civil Engineering
Digital Timber Construction DTC, TU Kaiserslautern, Faculty of Architecture
Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication, EPFL Lausanne / ETH Zürich
Timber Construction Laboratory IBOIS, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EPFL Lausanne
Institute for Computational Design ICD, University of Stuttgart
School of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EPFL
Professional Diploma in Architecture with Distinction (RIBA Part 2)
London Metropolitan University